When revenue goes down, managers tend to cut on the fixed costs. Too often the IT architecture role is perceived as such a cost. IT architects are not the front-line staff. While having a limited visual benefit to business generation, IT architects are vital to generate business in this information age. Solid systems and processes for information handling is a major requisite.
What is overlooked is that convoluted platforms supporting the information function are build without clear guidance. Guidance derived from the business needs. It can look like a city built without any planning and design.
Businesses can learn a great deal from an architectural approach when dealing with their applications and IT infrastructure.
- Do your web sites create a pleasant experience and therefore attract customers?
- Does your staff work with effective information and processes?
- Is your IT department not constantly going after the latest fad pushed by the vendors?
- Have you done everything to prevent yourself from any lock-in, so you can dynamically adjust to business needs?
© Peter Bodifée 2009. All rights reserved.